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Below you will be able to find a series of resources addressing common questions including how to register with a GP, COVID 19 and the vaccine as well as keeping young people healthy.

Please use the filters to search documents by keyword, narrow by topic or select your language or type you are looking for.

For the Vaccine Confidence toolkit please click here.

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Navigating the NHS and right to healthcare
Subtitled video on how to navigate the NHS for Refugees & Asylum Seekers
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COVID-19 Vaccination for children aged 5 to 11 year
Albanian What to expect after your COVID-19 vaccination – guide for parents 5 to 11 years of age
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How to register with a GP and book a vaccine
Si të regjistroheni te Mjeku i Familjes (GP) dhe të rezervoni takimin për vaksinimin
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Flu Vaccination Winter 2021/22
Albanian – The flu vaccination: who should have it and why
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COVID-19 Booster Vaccination
Albanian – COVID-19 guide to booster vaccination leaflet
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COVID 19 Vaccination Childbearing/Pregnant
Albanian COVID-19 vaccination guide-childbearing-pregnant
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How to register with a GP and book a vaccine
Si të regjistroheni te Mjeku i Familjes (GP) dhe të rezervoni takimin për vaksinimin
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Keeping young people healthy
Kujdesi për shëndetin tuaj seksual dhe riprodhues
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Keeping young people healthy
Si është organizuar sistemi shëndetësor në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar (MB)
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Keeping young people healthy
Si mund të kujdeseni për mirëqenien tuaj emocionale
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