Lebanon: DOTW teams delivering emergency aid and psychological support in Beirut
Published 10th August 2020
Doctors of the World (DOTW) is providing emergency aid and psychological support in Beirut, Lebanon, following the deadly explosion on 4 August 2020.
At least 157 people were killed and about 5,000 injured by the blast, which destroyed a large part of the city and left hundreds of thousands homeless.
“…The explosion destroyed three hospitals in the capital and the Lebanese health system is completely overwhelmed,” DOTW’s coordinator in Lebanon, Bernadette Farcy.
DOTW has launched an emergency appeal to help those affected. Please, if you can, support our teams responding in Beirut by making a donation.

Images of the explosion and aftermath speak for themselves but they cannot tell the full story of the massive destruction of life, property and the economy, and the long and difficult road to recovery that lies ahead.
DOTW’s coordinator in Lebanon Bernadette Farcy said the catastrophe could not have come at a worse time, amid a surge in COVID-19 cases and a deepening economic and social crisis.
“With the resurgence of the COVID-19 epidemic in Lebanon, the health system is already severely weakened. The explosion destroyed three hospitals in the capital and the Lebanese health system is completely overwhelmed,” she said.

“We are particularly concerned about the psychological impact of this disaster on the mental health of the Lebanese people, which is superimposed on existing health and economic problems.”
DOTW has been working in Lebanon since 1990 and currently has 40 staff in the country. Fortunately, all our staff are safe and accounted for.

“We are particularly concerned about the psychological impact of this disaster on the mental health of the Lebanese people…,” DOTW’s coordinator in Lebanon, Bernadette Farcy.
DOTW and our partners are assessing the needs on the ground in Beirut and will adapt our activities accordingly.
As a first step, we are sending 20,000 emergency kits, along with personal protective equipment to reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading.

DOTW staff are offering psychological support to those affected by the blast and referring people who require more in-depth follow-up to local mental health services.
They are also working to ensure the continuity of vaccinations and care for people with chronic diseases.

With your support, DOTW teams can help the people of Beirut recover while continuing our lifesaving work around the world.
Please, if you can, consider making a donation today. Just £15 could provide a family left homeless by the explosion with an emergency kit.